
Clinchfield Challenger #676 aka UP's #3985
The Clinchfield's last Challenger was #675.
All photographs are Copyright Allan Gartner,
Welcome to the Clinchfield Railroad!
This collection of web sites is the collaborative
effort of several Clinchfield railfans bringing to you the glory
of this somewhat remote railroad. |
Elkhorn City, Ky.:
Northbound entering Elkhorn City, Ky.
The end of line for the CRR. Onto the C&O!
Clinchfield Country is the land of
articulated steam. These large locomotives used a lot of coal. The
Clinchfield needed a way to fill it's coaling towers as fast as
it was emptying them. Coaling trestles were ramps used to dump coal
cars directly into the tops of their coaling towers.
Just as important as coal, was the
bridge traffic that the Clinchfield handled. This included
freight and Florida perishables as well as coal.
By building through, rather than
around, the mountains the Clinchfield directly confronted a major
challenge. The result ... was a railroad generally conceded
to have had the best engineered physical plant in the country.2
pg.10 The most obvious examples are it's penetration
of Clinch Mountain and The Breaks - the Grand Canyon of the Southeast.
(Allan Gartner) Bob Loehne favors the Sandy Ridge Tunnel
at am impressive length of 7,854 l.f.1 pg. 104 as
notable examples of this impressively engineered railroad. |

Breaks Gorge, Ky. & Va.:
The tunnel and the bridge at Pool Point.
This is the beginning of exciting Breaks Gorge- the
Grand Canyon of the Southeast!
The Clinchfield was one of the finest
engineered railroads in the world built to unheard of standards
of it's time. The most obvious examples are it's penetration of
Clinch Mountain and Breaks Gorge.
Passing through spectacular Breaks Gorge required
four tunnels and two bridges. Each of the two bridges is paired
up with a tunnel making rather picturesque scenes. In another example
of determination, one of the bridges extends about twelve feet into
one of the tunnels!
Breaks Gorge features class six rapids (read
deadly for all but the best kiyakers) and is 920' deep.
Even when not in this fabulous park, the mountain
sides are very steep. Homes are nestled tightly to a narrow flat
spots alongside creeks. The creeks are reminders that these home
occupy the old creek bed. Occasionally heavy rains briefly reclaim
those creek beds. The area is riddled with swinging bridges.

View into the Gorge |

Towers Tunnel north portal |
All Breaks Gorge
views are about 900 feet down to the tracks!!! |

Tower Tunnel passes through this
"tower." |

Northbound helper exiting Skaggs Hole
Tunnel & Bridge. The bridge extends 12 feet into
the tunnel! This is effectively the south end of Breaks
Gorge. |

Fremont, Va.:
The Moss #1. Thanks so much go to Rob Wolshlager
for providing this photograph. Clinchfld@yahoo.com
( ROB WOLSHLAGER) Check out Rob's
excellent Clinchfield web site! http://www.clinchfieldcountry.com |
Starnes, Va.:
The Starnes Bend Bridge1 pg. 38 of
the bridge and tunnel at Starnes, Va. Note the unusual
construction. Tunnel is out of sight and unfortunately in
dark shadows most of the time to the right. |
Making a straight shot through Clinch
Mountain took more than just a long tunnel. It required a short
bridge on the north side, a short tunnel, and then the famed Copper
Creek Trestle. Southern and the highway department took the easy
way out by having let a river cut a path through. This little detour
took the V&SWRR, now NS,30 miles out of it's way. The V&SWRR
also crosses Copper Creek but it's trestle is dwarfed by the Clinchfield's.
This is not a condemnation of the V&SWR, but rather just an
example of the Clinchfield's determination to lay a straight track!
Note how much NS likes to use the Clinchfield's, now CSX's, trestle.
The diminutive NS trestle is to the right. This small trestle
built by the V&SWRR is part of the 30 mile avoidance by the V&SWRR
to penetrate Clinch Mountain. NS & CSX have joint trackage
rights over these trestles. |
Catawba Viaduct
Marion, NC |
"The Jitterbug" is published quarterly
by the Carolina Clinchfield Chapter of the National Railroad Historical
Society. POBox 412, Bostic, NC 28018. Outstanding!
Yahoo eGroup - CRRlist. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CRRlist/?yguid=189870489 |

Regional map of states that the Clinchfield covers.
"Elkhorn City Quadrangle" - USGS8
DeLorme's Atlas & Gazetteer for Tennessee9
DeLorme's Atlas & Gazetteer for Kentucky10
DeLorme's Atlas & Gazetteer for Virgina11
DeLorme's Atlas & Gazetteer for North Carolina12
DeLorme's Atlas & Gazetteer for South Carolina13
Carolina Clinchfield Chapter of the NRHS. This people
produce a fantastic quarterly on the Clinchfield. http://www.carolina-clinchfield.org
Check out Rob's
excellent Clinchfield web site! http://www.clinchfieldcountry.com
Elkhorn City Railroad Museum (Clinchfield) http://elkhorncityrrm.tripod.com/index.htm
Do you want to know how to find all the hot Clinchfield
railfan spots? http://www.frograil.com/tours/csx/clinchfieldNORTH.htm
Need Clinchfield rolling stock? Check out Coal
Country Carworks http://www.clinchfield-link.com. Also
contains links to other Clinchfield and train and modeling related
Dan Bourque's Appalachian Model Railroading website. Check out
his Clinchfield photos at http://www.appalachianrailroadmodeling.com/crrphotos.html
Clinchfield equipment photos, railroad data, and models at http://www.rr-fallenflags.org/clin/clin.html
"Building the Clinchfield", James Goforth1
"Clinchfield Country", Steve King2
"When Steam Ran the Clinchfield", James Goforth3
"The Clinchfield Railroad in the Coal Fields",
Robert A. Helm "Clinchfield in Color", C.K. Marsh, Jr.
Videos by American Alta Vista:
"Coal Story" This is Clinchfield! CSX Hotshots4
This is Clinchfield! CSX Hotshots Elkhorn City to Erwin5
Cabride Erwin to Elkhorn City This is Clinchfield! CSX Hotshots6
Clinchfield, Santa & the 6767
Personal References Sited in this Web Page:
Bob Helm, RHelmOD@aol.com He
started the Yahoo eGroup. He's a wealth contact information!
Bob Loehne, OEZBob@aol.com He sold
the Alta Vista video tapes. Contact him to see if they are still
The High & Xiety
Model Railroad - Allan Gartner's interpretation of the Clinchfield
North End emphasizing the natural beauty of the area and a tribute
to the engineering effort that created the fantastic bridges and
tunnels when the Challengers and other steam locomotives ruled the
land. Will feature a nearly full depth (floor to 10' ceiling!)
Breaks Canyon, full scale Copper Creek Trestle, and a coaling trestle.
This layout is usually on the Plano (Dallas) Train
Show in January.
If you are interested in help build this master piece
(scenery, kit builders, and especially kit bashers desperately needed),
write me.
When visiting Clinchfield Country, be sure to check these out:

Little Stoney Falls, just west of Dungannon.

East of Clinchfield Country on Virgina I-81 - prototypes for
hot & cold water towers!
1) The Breaks Interstate Park Lodge is $52.25 a night
for two. The rooms are quite large and face the towers. 540-865-4413
x200. Cancellation requires 7 days advance notice. The restaurant
serves steak dinners. Decent, although rather ordinary - no doubt
to keep the prices reasonably priced at around $10 so no complaints.
2) I think I actually discovered a new railfan vantage
point which may be THEE spot. Veteran Bob Helm was impressed with
it as well. Go to Stateline Overlook which views the north end of
Stateline Tunnel. Follow the canyon rim trail back towards Clinch
Overlook - which views the south end of Stateline Tunnel. You will
arrive at an vista which permits you to see the train coming around
Potter Flats and enter the tunnel. It is also the closest clear
shot of the train exiting the south end. You can see headlights
through the excavation opening as well as the waterfall - if present.
Like I said - THEE spot!
3) The DeLorme "Atlas & Gazetteer" are very useful in exploring
Clinchfield Country.
4) Before exploring Clinchfield Country, purchase at least
one of the American Alta Vista videos covering the area. Prior
to the running of the Santa Claus Express, I spent a few days scouting
the area for photo op's. The hot shot and cabride tapes contain
enough detail on where to find photo op's I could have saved valuable
vacation days and hotel, gas, food costs that I could have easily
paid for a tape. When watching these tapes, be sure you have
a note pad handy! |